Privacy Policy

Our approach to privacy respects your privacy. The privacy principles that we apply comply with the law in New Zealand. Knock Me privacy practices the Information privacy principles in the Privacy Act 1993 (NZ).

Collecting your information

We collect personal information when we provide our services to you. In most cases, it will be self-evident why we are collecting the information. In circumstances where it may not be obvious why we are asking you for information we will tell you why we are collecting the personal information and how we plan to use it.

If you are a customer, or are employed by a client, we usually collect personal information such as your name, address, business contact details, job title or position and your expertise and interests. Where relevant, we may ask you for other information. We may collect other personal information in the course of providing services to you or your employer, or to someone else.

We generally only collect personal information from this website when it is provided by you, for example, when you fill to register or to subscribe to our publications.

When you visit this website or download information from it, our Internet Service Provider (ISP) makes a record of your visit and records:

  • your Internet address;
  • your domain name, if applicable; and
  • date and time of your visit to the website.

Our ISP also collects information such as the pages users’ access, the documents they download, links from other sites they follow to reach our site, and the type of browser they use. However, this information is only used for management statistical and website development purposes.

How we use and disclose your information

Knock Me is bound by professional obligations of confidentiality. We will continue to treat and protect information we receive (including any personal information) in accordance with those obligations.

We use your information to provide our services to you, and to enhance and develop our relationship with you. We may also use the information to market our services.

We may share your information with entities and persons who are associated with us, but only in a manner that complies with our professional obligation of confidentiality. This may involve sending your personal information overseas. Knock Me may also disclose your information to service providers, agents and contractors from time to time to help us to provide and market our services.

Use of cookies

A cookie is a small message given to your web browser by our web server. The browser stores the message in a text file, and the message is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. We make limited use of cookies on this website. We use cookies to measure usage sessions accurately, and to gain a clear picture of which areas of the site attract traffic. We also use cookies to improve the functionality of our website, for example, if we provide a notice or update regarding a significant change to the law, we may use cookies to ensure that you do not receive this notice with each page you access on our website.

When cookies are used on this site, they are used to store information relating to your visit such as a unique identifier, or a value to indicate whether you have seen a web page. We use session (not permanent) cookies. They are used to distinguish your Internet browser from the thousands of other browsers. This site will not store personal information such as email addresses or other details in a cookie.

Most Internet browsers are set up to accept cookies. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you may be able to change the settings of your browser to refuse all cookies or to notify you each time a cookie is sent to your computer, giving you the choice whether to accept it or not. You may also be able to delete cookies after you have used our website using one of the tools available in your browser or with some system utility software.


We use SSL certificate for our website who so ever is visiting. Knock Me set up of firewalls and secure databases to keep personal information secure from misuse, loss or unauthorised use or disclosure. We also use PayPal method for online payments which is highly secured.

The Internet is generally not a secure environment. If you use the Internet to send us any information, including your email address, it is sent at your own risk.


You have a right to access most personal information we hold about you. Please contact us to ask for access to your information, or if you have a complaint concerning your information privacy. We may deny your request in some circumstances. If we do this, we will tell you why.


Please contact us on  if you want to inquire about the personal information that we may have about you or any other inquiry.


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